

how many sparklers should I use for my 100 people wedding ?

how many sparklers should I use for my 100 people wedding ?

Posted by Jeremy on on 13th Jun 2023

The number of sparklers you'll need for your 100-person wedding will depend on how you plan to use them and the duration of the sparkler display. Here are a few considerations to help you estimate the … read more
What Are Smokeless Sparklers?

What Are Smokeless Sparklers?

Posted by Jeremy on on 13th Jun 2023

Smokeless sparklers, as the name suggests, are a type of sparkler that produces minimal smoke during their burning process. They are designed to reduce or eliminate the smoke typically associated with … read more
​Boosting Sales Revenue: The Impact of Bottle Sparklers in Nightclubs

​Boosting Sales Revenue: The Impact of Bottle Sparklers in Nightclubs

Posted by Jeremy on on 13th Jun 2023

Nightclubs are known for their vibrant atmosphere, pulsating music, and energetic crowds. In recent years, nightclub owners and managers have discovered a unique way to enhance the customer experience … read more